Friday, December 17, 2010

Nothing Has Changed

My parents met while sailing. I have a picture of them and grandma sailing when my mom was pregnant with me. Yep, I did start very early :-)
I'm told that as a 3 year old, I would build sail boats out of match boxes. After it rained I would put "my boat" in a water puddle and blow on it until it would "sail" from one end to the other.  Just picture this for a moment.
As a 15 year old, I sailed in the North Sea, and from that point on sailing became an obsession.
Forward a few decades, and nothing has changed.

As a teenager, my dad would teach me photography on his old Leica. As a student, I occasionally helped a professional photographer whose speciality was runway fashion shows. I learned a lot about photography, fashion, parties and let's just say, life in general .... From then on, I loved all aspects of photography. 
Forward a few decades, and nothing has changed.

Growing up, healthy home cooking was central to our daily family life, but especially on week ends, birthdays, holidays and any other occasion that was reason enough to be together for a good time.
They didn't have to ask me for help in the kitchen. I was always putting my fingers somewhere in the food (though they didn't like that part so much), to make sure it tasted OK ... :-). From then on, cooking became a passion. It is without saying that a good wine will always be around.
Forward a few decades, and nothing has changed.

In the last couple of years, I took notes, so that one day this would be the base for a book where I put all those obsessions, passions and loves together to be shared with the rest of the world.
This book of course will also be about travel, life style, slow simple healthy living and other life priorities, such as friends family and nature.
I'm looking forward to the next decade, and through hindsight can say with confidence, that surely,  nothing will change.  

Sail far,
Live slowly,
Live simply,
Live now.